导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。slate是什么意思,slate的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、slate是什么意思1、slate



1、slate 板岩,石板,石板瓦,写字板,清单,候选人名单

2、来自古法语 esclate,阴性格于 esclat,薄片,碎片,木条,即现拼写 slat.比较 marquis,侯爵, marquise,女侯爵,侯爵夫人。后 slat 多用于指木制板,slate 多用于指石制板,并引申比喻义 写字板,清单,候选人名单。


1、slate (n.)

2、mid-14c., from Old French esclate, fem. of esclat "split piece, splinter" (Modern French éclat; see slat), so called because the rock splits easily into thin plates. As an adjective, 1510s. As a color, first recorded 1813. Sense of "a writing tablet" (made of slate), first recorded late 14c., led to that of "list of preliminary candidates prepared by party managers," first recorded 1842, from notion of being easily altered or erased. Clean slate (1856) is an image from customer accounts chalked up in a tavern.

3、slate (v.)

4、1520s, "to cover with slates" (earlier sclatten, late 15c.), from slate (n.). Meaning "propose, schedule" is from 1883; earlier "to nominate" (1804); the notion is of writing on a slate board. Related: Slated; slating.
